Page 6 - Suncor Report on Sustainability 2014 - English
P. 6

04 Suncor: report on sustainability 2014

Performance at a glance

Our vision is to be trusted stewards of valuable 

natural resources. Guided by our values, we lead 

the way to deliver economic prosperity, improved 

social well-being and a healthy environment for 

today and tomorrow. Here is a snapshot of our 

priorities in 2013 and how we performed.

,Pursue zero injuries
In 2013, we also marked a reclamation 
We always rank workplace safety as our
milestone: the oficial opening of a 

top priority, with the goal of eliminating all reconstructed fen near our Oil Sands base 
workplace incidents. In 2013, we continued plant, which is designed to emulate the 
cubic metres per day of tailings 
the rollout of new company-wide safety properties of a natural fen watershed.
water used in our in situ operations
awareness and injury reduction campaigns. Our fen – one of the irst reclaimed fen 

However, ive separate fatalities (three watersheds in the world – is the culmination 
,employee and two contractor) near our
of 10 years of collaborative research.

Oil Sands site earlier this year were sad 
reminders that we can never let up on our We also continued to work through Canada’s 

vendors worldwide from whom journey toward ensuring everyone goes
Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) to 
home safely at the end of the day. Incidents accelerate industry-wide performance 
we purchase goods and services
like these are tragic and unacceptable – and improvements in four environmental priority 
we are determined to do all we can to prevent areas: tailings, water, land and greenhouse 
any reoccurrence.
gas (GHG) emissions.

Reduce our environmental footprint
Address the climate change challenge
reduction in recordable injury We continued to make progress on achieving Our absolute GHG emissions increased

frequency among employees our four environmental performance goals to while emissions intensity slightly decreased.

and contractors
improve energy eficiency, achieve absolute The increase in absolute emissions can be 
reductions in freshwater consumption and attributed to signiicant new production

air emissions, and increase land reclaimed
from the ramp-up of Firebag 4. We see
by 2015. Our Oil Sands Water Management GHG management as a challenge requiring 

strategy is helping us achieve dramatic multiple responses. We continued to implement 
reductions in freshwater withdrawal through measures that conserve energy and lower

a number of initiatives, including reusing GHG emissions while investing in longer-term 
tailings water as makeup water and recycling technologies aimed at reducing emissions 

upgrading wastewater for reuse in our intensity and potentially ‘bending the curve’
operations or for return to the environment.
on absolute emissions. We also continued to

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