Page 24 - Suncor Report on Sustainability 2014 - English
P. 24

Suncor: report on sustainability 2014

An integrated approach 

wind farm projects in 
which we’re involved
to climate change

We believe addressing the climate change 

challenge is both a corporate and a societal 

responsibility. We work within our plant 

gates to improve energy eficiency, advance 

renewable energy projects, and research and 

develop new technologies to better manage 

our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

We collaborate with industry peers, Our climate change action plan

governments, researchers, academics and We recognized early on that climate change 
other stakeholders on emissions-reducing would be an important issue for our company 

technologies and opportunities. We and our stakeholders. That’s why we introduced 

understand that making meaningful a seven-point action plan in 1997. Guided by 
progress on climate change involves this plan, we’ve made progress in reducing

fundamental choices about how societies the overall carbon intensity of our operations.
produce, use and distribute energy.

on the web: More details on all of the 
above at

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